The Importance of Planned Sex in a Casual Relationship

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In the world of casual dating, the idea of planned or scheduled sex might seem a bit out of place. After all, isn't the whole point of casual dating to keep things spontaneous and carefree? While that may be true to some extent, there are actually some compelling reasons why planned sex can be a valuable addition to a casual relationship.

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The Benefits of Planned Sex

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One of the biggest benefits of planned sex in a casual relationship is that it allows both partners to prioritize intimacy and connection. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy for physical intimacy to take a backseat to work, social obligations, and other responsibilities. By scheduling time for sex, both partners can ensure that they are making time for each other and strengthening their bond.

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Additionally, planned sex can also help to alleviate any pressure or anxiety surrounding the frequency of intimacy in the relationship. In casual dating, there may be a level of uncertainty about when or how often sex will occur. By establishing a schedule, both partners can feel more secure and confident in their physical relationship.

How to Approach Planned Sex in a Casual Relationship

While the idea of scheduled sex may sound a bit clinical, it's important to approach it with a sense of openness and flexibility. Instead of viewing it as a rigid appointment, think of it as an opportunity to prioritize and celebrate your physical connection with your partner.

When discussing planned sex with your partner, be sure to approach the conversation with sensitivity and understanding. It's important to ensure that both partners feel comfortable and empowered in the decision-making process. Remember that the goal is to enhance intimacy and connection, not to impose strict rules or expectations.

Another important aspect of planned sex in a casual relationship is communication. Be open and honest with your partner about your desires and boundaries, and be sure to listen to their input as well. This can help to ensure that both partners are on the same page and that the scheduled intimacy is a positive and fulfilling experience for both parties.

Making Scheduled Sex Fun and Exciting

Just because sex is planned doesn't mean it has to be dull or routine. In fact, scheduled sex can be an opportunity to get creative and explore new ways to connect with your partner. Consider setting the mood with candles, music, or other romantic touches. You could also use the scheduled time as an opportunity to try new positions or activities in the bedroom.

Additionally, keep in mind that scheduled sex doesn't have to be limited to just the bedroom. You can plan intimate moments throughout the day, such as a midday rendezvous or a surprise evening of romance. The key is to keep the excitement and spontaneity alive, even within the structure of a planned schedule.

In conclusion, planned sex can be a valuable and positive addition to a casual relationship. By prioritizing intimacy and communication, both partners can strengthen their bond and create a fulfilling physical connection. So, don't be afraid to consider the benefits of scheduled sex in your casual dating relationship – it might just be the key to deepening your connection with your partner.